Acoustic pods for schools – why they’re here to stay.

There’s a few reasons why acoustic pods for schools are popular. Without doubt, they one of our most versatile products for schools; they require no building regulations and are relatively easy to demount and relocate to another area of the school, perhaps in need of additional teaching space.

Demountable Acoustic Pod
Demountable Solutions 4 Office acoustic pod: made to various sizes

Why are acoustic pods here to stay?

  1. Bespoke for any classroom size (written September 2020)
    Regardless of classroom size, acoustic pods are installed to provide additional teaching and study space. In todays era of social distancing, where there is increasing importance placed on space in both offices and schools, these pods could play a significant role. For more social distancing information for schools, check out the tes resources.
  2. They’re kitted out with the essentials
    A standard 13 amp plug powers the pods which includes full PIR controls for lighting and air exchange. Visual and air quality isn’t comprised so students maintain their familiar classroom environment – light and airy.
  3. No building regs needed
    Perhaps the biggest value add. Acoustic pods don’t require building regulations or planning consent….hoorah! They are an innovative solution to the traditional partition type of permanent structures.
  4. Private by design
    Classrooms are noisy by nature – there is no escaping that fact. Acoustic pods provides an additional quiet space for students to complete homework, for meetings to take place and for teaching in. School acoustic pods normally feature a mix of glass, mfc and acoustic fabric walls to give maximum durability and acoustic benefits.

This article from Bloomberg last year explored the benefits and prevalence of office pods: offices will work best when both social and private spaces became “abundant and readily available.” We believe the same is true for schools. By implementing them into a sixth form or university campus, pupils are afforded additional private study spaces which they might not have at home.

Are you a teacher or facilities manager? Get in touch with us if you’ve been thinking about an investment into acoustic pods – we’ll happily measure up and provide you with some comparative quotes.

Acoustic Pod in School
Large classroom pod which can seat approx 5-7 students

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